Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What Annoys Me

  1. People who smoke in restaurants especially those who sit right in the middle of the restaurant and pollute the entire place
  2. Paranoid people who lock up entire home like Fort Knox every single minute of the day
  3. People who drive and cut into your lane without any indication
  4. People who shake your seat in the cinema
  5. People who leave their handphones switched on in cinemas AND who answer calls in the cinema
  6. Screaming, unruly kids (don’t you just want to throw them out of the window)
  7. Parents who don’t do anything when their kids are screaming and unruly
  8. Interruptions to my schedule
  9. People who double park when there is ample parking space available
  10. People who dawdle and take their own sweet time when they KNOW that you're in a hurry
  11. Tardiness
  12. Queue cutting


WeeFishy said...

Are you now going to make lists all over the place?

jesscet said...

Hey, does it mean we are quite similar as these are some of the things that annoy me a lot too!! But i can easily add another dozen! So your `annoyance' list is considered quite short. ;)