Sunday, January 15, 2006

Doggy walk

I had planned to do stretches and core exercises but there was no power supply on Telawi street early in the morning, so ended up walking. Did a brisk walk of 5km.

Did 13.5km run today. Felt good actually. Tried out my New Balance shoes - my first ever pair. I'm pretty impressed with it. It's comparable to Saucony. No blisters on first run and it didn't need breaking in. Very light too, felt like I was running on air. Hoodwinked Hsiung into another extra 6.5km, to which we were both happily running away because we were both using new shoes.

Jenny asked if I had wanted to do 20km with Uncle Hooi again on Sunday, but I politely declined, since I had run 13.5km today and I need my rest tomorrow.

Hurrah! Finally Mel likes doggy walks. Today was the first time I took him for a walk without him struggling or wanting to run home. It's strange...when he was staying at my parents' place he hated walks. He was quite happy walking around my bro's place today. Maybe it's because it's a cul-de-sac and there aren't many cars zooming around. Previously he used to be afraid of other dogs but he's built some confidence since, and was even provoking the big dog 2 doors away. Could see all his fur on his back standing. And there wasn't a second where his tail was down. Mel's growing up. :)

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