Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Buns of steel

Not much time left before my KK trip, but I'll do whatever I can....

Today's exercise:
10 min on elliptical machine
30 min on stepper ( I find it realy boring)
12 minute continuous alternate lunges (without weights)
Forward lunge on stepboard (with barbell)
Back Lunge from stepboard (with barbell)

I now feel like I have buns of steel!!! (Whether they are or not is a separate issue).

Going to watch Casanova tonight!


C-CUBE said...

dont over-train. just enjoy urself n take a slow walk for at least 4hrs from KK Park to Laban Rata. time urself whether you need to start at 8am or 9am, n make sure u reach Laban Rata by 2.30pm, otherwise no hot shower for u. most ppl will reach there around that time or slightly later n everyone will quickily take a hot shower b4 it gets colder towards the evening. eventually the place will run out of hot water and u hv 2 bath w icy cold water. hard luck!!!. the rest of the ascend towards the summit from 2.30am will b a mind game, as u get nearer towards the summit, u will experience breathing difficulties bcos of the thin air. by tat time ur mind have to take control over ur body fitness to push on. good luck.

Chipmunkrock said...

ya, actually I am more worried about breathing problems than stamina as I do have respiratory problems. But i have had many asthmatic friends who have gone up with no problem, so that's an encouragement. Anything I can take to "widen my nasal passage"?

C-CUBE said...

am not sure wat to take to widen ur nasal passage, but just be mentally strong at the beginning of the summit plateau. it is a flat rock surface and u just tell urself to take each step at a time. follow ur guide if possible, they hv a very unique way of walking up tat accordingly to them is quite effortless. the way they walk is in a zig-zag formation and not a straight line.