Monday, March 27, 2006

As usual

Back to my usual routine. Started the day with some workout. Boy, I sure miss the gym! Could only manage really light exercises as my inner, outer thighs and upper calves were still a bit stiff. Had a nice steam bath to relax my muscles and did quite a bit of stretching. Had tons and tons of laundry to do.

Weighed myself this morning. Have gained 1kg during the trip as I ensured I ate properly at every meal. I didn't want to be out of energy during the trip. Strangely, I don't feel like I have gained weight but the weighing scale never lies. Well, a lot of hard work to lose weight again.

Today's exercise:
20 min walk on treadmill (slow, slow walk)
25 min on elliptical machine
push ups
upright row
cable pullover
stretch, stretch and stretch

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