Tuesday, October 07, 2008

About Kenny & Leo

Ran 8km today. Hmm ok, I guess I am getting stronger, going up the 3rd and 4th slopes don't feel as bad as before, but as usual I am always slow and lagging behind the guys.I feel faster though...but I'm not really sure as I still have not got a new watch and can't really tell. Darn I've got to get that watch fast.

I'm planning an ABBA weekend for my long distance run - planning to load my MP3 player with ABBA songs...haven't stopped listening to them since watching Mamma Mia! Gosh I love their music..and i knew all their songs, even the less popular ones.IT HAD BETTER NOT RAIN!!

I read that Kenny Sia will be running the full marathon in Singapore! Gosh even Kenny is into marathon training now so I'd better buck up!

Running aside, I read that Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet will be working with each other again - first time since Titanic. The movie's called Revolutionary Road, I can't wait to watch it!!I think Leo has matured really well, he's quite a hunk now and not a pretty boy anymore.Gosh I loved him in Blood Diamond...ooh macho and oozing with sex appeal!Doesnt he just look gorgeous in this picture...

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