Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Well only a few more hours before 2005 is over. It has been a tough year for me, spiritually and emotionally. Therefore, I really look forward to the new year as it always brings a fresh new beginning. I don't have any new year resolutions, i make resolutions all year round anyway. In any case my life long resolution has always been to lose weight. Not that I really need to lose any more weight (as most people would tell me) but I am just paranoid. I weigh 1 kg heavier than what I did this time last year. Well that's also becaue I did the Singapore Marathon last year, but in terms of running races it has been quite a flop this year. Taking that into consideration I think I have managed to maintain my weight pretty well!

As I've said, I dont really have any resolutions, but I pray that I will fall in love with the Lord all over again, and I truly want to follow Him. I know it is something I can't achieve on my own, with all the distractions in this world..which is why I don't make a resolution out of it but I pray much about it.

Happy New Year...may the year ahead be fruitful and wonderful.

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