Friday, August 07, 2009

Michelle Obama Arms

Earlier this year there was so much rant and rave about Michelle Obama's arms.Honestly, I dont think her arms are that nice, I much prefer Madonna's. Some beg to differ as they think that Maddie's is too masculine..but I like. But to achieve Maddie's arms you probably need 0% fat...which is like absolutely yes I'll settle for Michelle Obama arms anyway...more realistic.

So this morning I started my pursuit of Michelle Obama arms...After a light cardio workout on the elliptical machine for 40 mins, I started weight training on the chest. I've put off tricep dips for a long time now (laziness..) but I'm starting again.

Here's what I did today:
Push ups (using fitball) - 2 sets x 20 reps
Dumbell press (using fitball) with 8kg dumbells each arm - 2 sets x 20 reps
Dumbell fly (using fitball) with 6kg dumbells each arm - 2 sets x 20 reps
Tricep dips - 2 sets x 12 reps (AIYOYO! Need to improve.)
Lateral raises (4kg dumbells each arm) - 2 sets x 12 reps
50 crunches only (slack today. :P)

My arms feel like falling off already..gosh need to work extra harder..I don't want my arms to be wobbling still after I've stopped waving...


Unknown said...

Personally I also prefer Madona's one. Best wishes to you for your coming days in GIM,.. :-)


WeeFishy said...

MO's upper arms are ok, but her lower arms are scarily thin!!