Thursday, October 12, 2006

Getting Clearer

The haze has cleared up quite a bit! There's still traces of it, but I would consider it quite "normal"'s one of those days that look a bit hazy but I wouln't hesitate to go out for a run. I think runners' tolerance to haze is quite high. Or maybe we are just justifying ourselves because we can't go without running.

Ran 6.6km today. I think my speed has improved a little. My mental strength has also improved a little. I'm doing pretty well in my running now, I dread to think what the 1 week in Hong Kong is going to do to me. I think the trick is to just take it easy and not put too much pressure on myself. When I return from Hong Kong, I will take it slow, and just treat any LSD as my usual exercise.

1 comment:

jesscet said...

i plan to go gym at least once when i'm in HK in Dec!

there are many CF branches and also FF in HK but they look more cramp than the ones here!

walking is also a form of exercise and i'm sure we will all end up doing a lot of that there!