Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rain, Shine or Haze

Finally started my Saturday morning runs again. Been lazy, tired and sluggish for a while now..It's been a few months since my absence for Saturday morning runs. Woke up late this morning, about 8am, but decided I needed to run anyway since I've committed myself. Hazy morning, but I went nevertheless.

I think runners are delusional people. They will either kid themselves into thinking that its ok to run in the haze OR they run early in the morning when they cant see the haze!

So anyway I ran 8.5km this morning....was going to do 10 but my throat was rather itchy because of the haze, so i thought I'd cut it short. Plus my left foot hurt a bit so I thought I'd better take it slow and increase distance another time.

Feeling more energetic now with the run :)

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