Thursday, September 20, 2007


I am just so sick and tired of people telling me I am fat. I mean hey come on, I am not running any marathons at the moment and am back at my natural size. I am exceptionally slimmer when I am training for races but people just don't understand that. They expect you to be at your thinnest all the time.The minute you gain a bit of weight they just love to poke you about it. No doubt, I do like my body better when I am training for a marathon but hey this is my body size. People are just plain cruel. And it's especially insensitive men who like to remark about women's weight.

They never learn.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. Every year my relatives try to come up with creative ways to tell me I'm fat because they know that the direct "Hey why you so fat one?" will get a glare from me.

Yup, they never learn.

lainey said...

hmm ... i realize that asian people love to focus on the negative, they feel it's their place to point out every little thing they find 'wrong' you ...

in the light of that - mebbe them commenting on your weight is not so bad then. it means that in their eyes, you're perfect otherwise! :D

lainey said...

oops. i meant 'wrong' WITH you ...

mylilpenguin said...

do they have the capacity? learn i mean...heheheh. i think you rock! what we work for we get(that includes the BOD)..right now I am not if someone says I m fat, I think how rude!! {then i PINCH myself & go..hmmm...less carbs more crunches} and I get over it! :-)